Impulsonics Introducing: Adam Price, Acoustic Engineer
Welcome to the Sixth in our Impulsonics Introducing series about the people who make our team run in their own words. Up next is our Adam Price, Acoustic Engineer.
1. What do you do at Impulsonics?
I am the new acoustic engineer at Impulsonics, my role involves developing Impulsonics’ core technology. Day to day I run experiments to better understand the potential of ultrasounds use in biomedical research. Help plan the technical strategy of the company. I also work on understanding and developing the hardware that Impulsonics uses.
2. What’s your background?
I have a Physics background but have worked in the field of Acoustics for over 10 years now. I have a number of scientific papers out in the world, as well as patents. I am also an active member of a working group trying to set the standard for airbourne ultrasound measurements. My work history in acoustics has taken me from working on large construction projects like Crossrail to new areas of technology such as mid-air haptics.
3. What inspired you to join Impulsonics?
The technology, it’s a uniquely fascinating marriage of the worlds of bio medicine and acoustic engineering. I hope to use my experience in acoustics to make a real impact on the technology and hopefully the industry.
4. What part of your job excites you most?
With this application being so new, the bit that excites me the most is being on the edge of our understanding and discovering something new. I also strangely get a kick out of plotting a really nice graph. : )
5. What do you like to do outside of work?
I have quite a few hobbies on rotation, a few years ago I picked up Jam roller skating. So you might catch me street skating or dancing on skates around town. I’m also a fan of making things, ones that are worth talking about: an array of light up hats and headdresses, a fold down bar that exists in my bike shed and a jacket made of old curtains (actually looks quite good).
6. If Impulsonics had a coat of arms what would you put on it and why?
Interesting coats of arms always have good animals on them so I’d probably start with a couple of animals that use ultrasound Bats, Dolphins and Frogs (some species of frog that tend to live near noisy environments like waterfalls communicate with ultrasound). I’d put in a Hedgehog cause they are fun. Then there is always a moto in latin isn’t there, I’m a fan of “ad astra” – “to the stars”; to make it apply to Impulsonics I would add the word for cells – cellula symbolising Impulsonics’ tech releasing the cells. So the motto would be “cellula at astra”. In the crest I would also have cells floating to the top becoming stars.
7. Can you describe your role using only emojis?